Italian Minister: Partnerships with Countries like Libya Will Restore Africa’s Trust in Italy

Italian Minister of Business and Industry Adolfo Urso revealed that his country has plans with Libya, Tunisia, and Egypt to build large on-site photovoltaic systems with electrical connections that will bring renewable energy to Italy and from there to the European market.

In an interview following his return from a visit to Eritrea, Urso stated that Italy’s economic agreements with North African countries such as Libya will enhance Italy’s energy independence.

The Italian minister noted that the greatest challenge facing his country in implementing the Mattei Plan is restoring Europe’s credibility, which has often left room for Russia and China.

Urso emphasized that Europe has made mistakes in dealing with African countries, particularly the Sahel region countries, including Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, and the Horn of Africa. He highlighted that regaining the trust of some countries in Italy starts with changing how they work with these nations.

“Italy can regain its credibility in Africa, as we have always had the Mattei culture of bringing, not just taking, but growing together,” said Urso.

Additionally, the Italian Minister of Labor affirmed that supporting African companies also indirectly combat illegal migration. “We need to create conditions for these countries to continue developing and provide them with training and development opportunities,” he said, noting that Italy has often focused on this cooperation project with African countries.

The “Mattei Plan” is an Italian roadmap and partnership with African countries, primarily focusing on renewable energy, infrastructure, machine tools, agricultural and tourism development, and vital raw materials.

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