Local and International Demands for Release of Kidnapped Journalist Ahmed Al-Senussi

Two days have passed since the disappearance of journalist Ahmed Al-Senussi, and his fate remains unknown. According to his family, contact was lost with him on Thursday afternoon after he left his home. They have not been able to obtain any new details about his health condition, the identity of the kidnappers, or his whereabouts.

Local Reactions

Reactions to the incident have varied locally and internationally. The High Council of State issued a statement warning against leniency towards those who commit kidnappings and calling for their prosecution. The council emphasized the importance of not justifying such acts to avoid impunity, stating: “The law regulates all acts of arrest, search, and detention, specifies those responsible, outlines the methods for carrying out their duties, and organizes the rules for their protection while executing orders.”

Meanwhile, Jaballah Al-Shibani, a member of the House of Representatives, posted on his social media page that “individual stances and publicly opposing corruption expose one to numerous risks, and collective, organized popular movements are the correct response in such difficult times of tyranny and oppression,” adding that “this is what happened to journalist Ahmed Al-Senussi.”

The Libyan Journalists Network also released a statement condemning Al-Senussi’s kidnapping, expressing deep concern over the increasing incidents of abductions and assaults on journalists in Libya. The network urged the Attorney General’s office to investigate the incident immediately and work towards his prompt release.

International Condemnation

The reactions extended beyond local official and unofficial entities to the international community. The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) called for the immediate and safe release of Ahmed Al-Senussi, condemning his arrest. The CPJ stressed that it is unacceptable for the authorities not to disclose his location or the reason for his detention, noting that they had not received any response to their emails sent to the Libyan Internal Security Agency regarding his arrest.

Additionally, the Arab Organization for Human Rights in Libya condemned what it described as the “kidnapping” of journalist Ahmed Al-Senussi, calling for his release, ensuring his safety, securing his return to his journalistic work, and eliminating the phenomenon of kidnapping.

أخبار ذات صلة

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