Saif al-Islam Gaddafi’s Team Withdraws from Upcoming Rome Meeting

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi’s political team has announced that they will not attend the upcoming meeting organized by the “Humanitarian Dialogue Center” scheduled for July 4-5 in Rome under the title “Forum of Supporters of the Former Regime”. The decision was made due to the invitation of certain individuals politically aligned with General Khalifa Haftar, commander of the General Command.

In a statement, the team explained that their withdrawal was in response to the invitation of individuals who have not taken a stance regarding the detention of Ali Abu Sbeiha, the head of Saif Gaddafi’s reconciliation team. This situation, they argue, contradicts the nature and purpose of the meeting.

The statement further elaborated that the invited personalities, whom they did not name, have not dared to take a position or even issue a statement condemning Abu Sbeiha’s abduction. Instead, they allegedly endorsed the kidnapping.

Saif al-Islam’s political team also distanced themselves from what they described as a military action being prepared, according to the statement. They emphasized that they would neither participate in nor be a party to such action.

This development highlights the ongoing complexities and divisions within Libyan politics, particularly among groups associated with the former regime. It also underscores the challenges facing reconciliation efforts in the country, as various factions continue to clash over political alignments and past actions.

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